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Potassium Sulphate


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Functions of Potassium: 

  1. Unlike nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium is not used in the structural synthesis of bio-chemically important molecules.
  2. Potassium is found within the plant cell solution and is used for maintaining the turgor pressure of the cell (meaning it keeps the plant from wilting).
  3. In addition, potassium plays a role in the proper functioning of stomata (cells located on the bottom of the leaf that open and close to allow water vapor and waste gases to escape) and acts as an enzyme activator.

Potassium deficiency: 

  1. Leaf tissue analysis shows that potassium levels are often close to those of nitrogen at around 3 to 5% on a dry weight basis.
  2. Plants that are potassium deficient typically show symptoms such as chlorosis followed by necrosis at the tips and along the margins of leaves.
  3. Since potassium is mobile within the plant, deficiency symptoms appear on older leaves.

In soilless growing media, potassium availability is not significantly influenced by pH. Potassium deficiency symptoms are most likely to appear when insufficient potassium is provided by fertigation. There are also situations where an induced potassium deficiency arises if calcium, magnesium or sodium levels are too high, but it is rare if a crop is fed with normal potassium rates.

Potassium Toxicity: 

Potassium toxicity does not exist per se. However, excessive levels of potassium can cause antagonisms that lead to deficiencies in other nutrients such as magnesium and calcium. If this occurs, it is best to test the growing medium and plant tissue for nutrient content and adjust the fertilization program or application rate.

Role of Sulphur :

  1. Sulphur is now recognized as fourth major plant nutrient after N, P and K.
  2. Helps in chlorophyll formation, necessary for photosynthesis.
  3. Essential constituent of many enzymes, proteins and essential fatty acids.
  4. Promotes nodule formation in leguminous crops.
  5. Promotes vegetative growth and root development.
  6. It helps in increasing the crop’s resistance to insect and disease attack and environmental stress.
  7. Ensures timely maturity of the crop.
  8. Sulphur increases the yield and improves quality of the produce.

Sulphur Deficiency:

  1. Deficiency symptoms of Sulphur are more likely closer to those of Nitrogen.
  2. Symptoms appear first on younger leaves and persist even after application of Nitrogen.
  3. Leaves become pale yellow or light green in colour.
  4. Plants are less grown, resembles stunted, short stalks and internodes.
  5. Less nodule formation in pulse (Legume) crops, reduction in N fixation from the atmosphere.
  6. Delayed maturity of the crops, fruits often does not mature and remain light green.
  7. Loss of yield in quantity with lower nutritional value.

Benefits of using SOP :

  1. Contains the highest Potash (K) content available.
  2. Increases crops yield and quality of produce .
  3. It is helpful in enzyme formation in plants.
  4. The presence of Sulphur is important for oilseeds and onion, garlic, tobacco and pea crops.
  5. This is virtually free from chloride, sodium & other harmful elements for plants.



(i) Moisture per cent by weight, maximum 1.5

(ii) Potash content (as K2O) per cent by weight, minimum 50.00

(iii) Total chlorides (as CI) per cent by weight, (on dry basis) maximum 2.5

(iv) Sodium as NaCI per cent by weight, (on dry basis) maximum 2.0

(v) Sulphur (as S),percent by weight ,min. 17.5 


Dosage :

  1. Suitable for Foliar application and drip irrigation.
  2. First Spray – Before grain / fruit setting.
  3. Second Spray – 10-15 days after first spray.
  4. 1-2 Kg. in 150-200 Lt. of water per acre.


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