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Product Details


Fungi are what store the Carbon in the soil through their hyphal network.

Trichoderma species have become increasingly popular in all forms of agriculture in recent years. The spores have a long shelf life and they grow rapidly to form colonies. They are compatible with many other inocula including Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescens and also with beneficial anaerobes like EM.

Trichoderma can also be utilised as a post-harvest treatment to prevent rotting diseases like anthracnose. They have proven particularly effective in reducing these post harvest problems in bananas, mangoes, strawberries, tomatoes and apples.

The Role of Microbes :

Microbes are so vital that plant roots give out “exudates” – compounds such as sugars made via Photosynthesis to attract beneficial microorganisms. The microbes eat these exudates, creating a symbiotic relationship with host plant by :

1. Providing a natural defense by competing with disease causing microorganisms

2. Building micro-aggregates to improve soil health through aeration and water retention. 

3. Eating nutrients in the soil and storing them before releasing to the plants.

4. Providing a nutrient reservoir to which plants have access 24 x 7, and can eat whenever they are hungry. 

However, the cycle is not yet complete. Many of these nutrients are in a form not yet usable by plants. The protozoa (including amoeba, flagellates and ciliates) eat the smaller bacteria, and even other protozoa, transforming these previously unusable forms of nutrients into forms that are available to plants. When the protozoa release the nutrients, they are then available to plants.

सुJeev Tricho X

Biological Name :

Trichoderma harzianumTrichoderma lignorum and Trichoderma koningii

Role in Soil Biology :

Microbe Balance, Root & Plant Growth, Plant Protection

Benefits :

·      Promotes root growth by balancing the soil microbes.

  ·    Promotes plant growth by boosting nutrient cycle & uptake.

       Provides the microbe diversity necessary for the soil microbiome.

·      A true Fungal probiotic.


Dose & Application :

Foliar Application : 1 kg/ha or 5 g per L of water for spot spraying.

Soil  Application :

Annual Crops : 1-2 Kg per ha. Apply with first irrigation (at bed preparation or fertigate/soil drench 1-2 weeks prior to planting. Repeat in 4 weeks.

Tree Crops : 1-2Kg/ha. Apply in early Spring.

Soil Drenching : 5g per Litre of water. Initially frequent applications may be required to establish beneficial soil fungal populations, however for routing use allow 4 weeks between applications. Can be applied to the soil during land preparation in order to establish beneficial fungal populations before planting.

Seed Treatment :

Dip seedlings in a solution of 5 g per litre of water. Apply just prior to planting.

Broadacre : 2kg per ton of seed. Apply prior to planting.

Cuttings : 10g per L as a dipping solution. Apply prior to planting.


For best results, give along with :

Bio-Feed 1Ltr and All-in-One 1Ltr as food starters in Soil Application.

All-in-One 2ml / Ltr of water as food starter in Foliar Application

Additional information

Weight 0.50000000 kg


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