What measuring Electrical Conductivity (EC) tells about your water, soil and plant health ?
A soil-based farmer usually focuses on what nutrient to apply to his soils and is mostly looking for that “magic product” which after applying will take care of the yields and quality automatically.
This creates over use of unknown fertilisers and PGRs and mostly an over-use of them leading to ultimately poor yields, poor nutrition levels, massive pest and disease attack and ultimately frustration.
This cycle never stops once it begins. The main culprit here is “ignorance” – which is never a bliss when it comes to agriculture.
When we talk about a scientific basis to farming, we mean using tools, instruments and meters easily available at affordable prices which can change the way you see crops responding to a fertilizer application. Even a simple thing like “Water” (which is a fertilizer) is ignored many times thinking the source is good and so the quality of water is already by default good for use.
We offer testers and instruments on our website (check list here ) so that farmers start using them and gain benefits from them because what is measure can only be managed…!
We have pushed a lot of farmers associated with us to start testing their Water, Soil and Sap for parameters like pH, EC and Brix. These 3 parameters when measured and monitored will help you tweak your nutrition program, increase or decrease water application and will always keep you ahead in the game.
You can check other articles on our Blog on measuring SAP – Brix and pH and you already are aware of soil pH, we would like to highlight here the importance of “Electrical Condctivity (EC)” of water and soil.
Conductivity reading (mS/cm)
< 0.8 : Safe for use.
0.8 – 3.00 : Progressively increasing danger of salinity problems. Sensitive plants will show symptoms.
> 3.0 : Unsafe for use.
These are a few suggestions to minimise problems where saline irrigation water is used :
1. Use an open, well-drained mix and irrigate frequently to minimise increasing salt concentration as mix dries out and irrigate heavily to leach out any accumulated salt.
2. Avoid sprinkling on leaves with saline water.
3. Find a better quality water source if possible.
4. Install a UB’Cal Water Conditioner (no recurring cost, no servicing post installation).
Conductivity reading (mS/cm)
< 0.1 : Very low. Fertilizer required.
0.1 – 0.3 : Safe
0.3 – 0.8 : Safe. Higher values in this range may affect some species, particularly if drainage is poor.
Seed germination may be affected.
0.8 – 1.0 : Salinity problems depending on species, potting mix and drainage. Specific ion effects likely.
Seedling growth likely to be affected.
1.0 – 1.5 : Plant growth likely to be affected. Leaf symptoms should be apparent.
> 1.5 : Too high
These are a few suggestions to minimise fertiliser salinity problems :
– Do not apply high concentrations of soluble fertilisers to force plant response.
– When liquid feeding, use larger volumes of low concentration frequently rather than concentrated volumes not frequently.
– Regularly leach out pots with plain water to remove any accumulated salts.
We hope that you will start maintaining records (test weekly) and here is a table that will help you maintain records and take corrective actions on field or in your Terrace Gardens….
Date Media pH EC Brix
Water xx xx xx
Soil xx xx xx
Sap xx xx xx
Professional Meters we recommend :
4. Sap pH meter
Feel free to post comments or experiences or record keeping tips for our readers and your fellow farmers.
Team D2F.
How to get rid of Slugs and Snails – without killing them ?
Slugs and Snails chew up your garden plants and you run to Google a solution to find – use egg shells, feed them citrus, sprinkle copper, use coffee and the best one is use Beer Trap. You will try one of these and end up getting disappointed – Why ? – because this is not a permanent solution ! Its because you have not found a permanent cause to this problem and so slugs and snails will keep coming back every year.The real problem lies in your soil, its nutrition balance – its not with the snails. What’s causing problem is the excessive Phosphate in the soil as a result of over using “Compost” – yes that’s correct, there is a thing like over-composting which causes problems related with excessive P and K which sends the nutrients out of balance.
To keep things short and offer you a solution, this is what you should do :
1. Stop putting compost, at least for a year.
2. Use a biological product like Sujeev PSB to solubilise the phosphate in the soil.
3. Foliar Spray Magnesium as excess Phosphate will tie up if you give Magnesium by fertigation. A product like PolyCarb Mg gets absorbed faster than Magnesium Sulphate.
4. Check for Sulphur, Zinc and Manganese levels in the soil as they are antagonised by excess P levels and may need to be topped up.
Frankly, you don’t need a Pesticides to kill those Slugs and Snails because its a Nutrition imbalance problem so solve it with nutrition.
How to Fight Root Rot in Hydroponics ?
The key is to apply Sujeev BM when a plant is a seedling or at first transplant and to keep administering it to build up the root zone’s microflora throughout the plant’s lifetime.
Guarding your crops from fungal infection during Monsoon
During monsoon there is a heavy chance of plants catching fungal diseases. Here’s what you can do to control fungal infections
A week before rainfall :
Foliar Spray the entire plant including the stems, flowers, fruits with 5ml/Ltr Sujeev Bacillus + 5ml/Ltr Sujeev Sudo + 5g/Ltr Tricho X.
Use Sprd-Fast for fast absorption and penetration in plants.
Shake the trees to remove the water.
Foliar Spray the entire plant including the stems, flowers, fruits with 5ml/Ltr Sujeev Bacillus + 5ml/Ltr Sujeev Sudo + 5g/Ltr Tricho X.
Use Sprd-Fast for fast absorption and penetration in plants.
Repeat the above spray every 10 days during monsoon period applying only after rain stops and water has been removed from the plants.
Are plants, animal and humans still an abbreviated phylogeny? Or do we know enough ?
phylogeny/noun: phylogenyStudy of the evolutionary development and diversification of a species or group of organisms, or of a particular feature of an organism.
Reading about Compost, Composting and Organic Manures in my search for most stable source of humus, I came across a very powerful statement by an evolutionary biologist Lynn Margulis in 1999 : “A Plant’s death gives rise to billions of new lives and not because the bacteria that are already present in the soil now have access to additional nutrients allowing them to reproduce more, but also because the previous organs of the ‘dead plants’ carry on their life in the form of – BACTERIA”. This theory makes you think about life after death or there is certainly life after death, the form changes but life continues and what we can ultimately say is – There is no Death, we all just continue….
We can relate this to the massive amount of microbes near the root mucosa than anywhere else under the soil. It’s because plants are taking in these microbes through their root hairs and these are used up (change form) to make the plant’s structure.
This also explains the extremely high and a large variety of microorganisms in both cow Manure and Earthworm castings which are used for Organic Farming. Simply put, cows feed on a plant, the plant gets converted to microbes which are carried as the dung. This when applied to soil re-enter the plant. So the processes taking place inside a cow or a worm’s gut can only be speculated where we can imagine the Life Continuum – life is originating out of life.
Coming back to my search for the stable humus to be used for Organic Farming – I guess earthworm humus beats all others hands down.
Worm Humus thats formed is a stable “Clay-Humus-Calcium-Complex”. This is most critical for Organic Farming. Besides capturing carbon, a better water-holding and increasing CEC – this kind of humus is immune to attacks from microbes and it remains intact for a significant time compared to free humus. It’s less friable and gives soil the stable structure – which is the dream of every farmer.
The nutrients in worm humus are not soluble but organically bound. Only plants with their root hairs are able to make these nutrients accessible. Nutrients do not leach out and are available in this humus-clay-mineral reservoir for the plants to use up when they are needed.So whether we live, die or continue forever soil, plants, animals and humans will remain an abbreviated phylogeny waiting to be discovered in times to come.
Till then use Worm Humus, grow nutrient dense food for all and live a regenerative life…!
सुजीव-ईएम : खेती के लिए एक आवश्यक और महत्वपूर्ण जीवाणुओं का काफिला
सुजीव-ईएम (आवश्यक जीवाणु)तेरुओ ह्यगा (जापान) की सूक्ष्म जीवाणु की सूजी पर आधारित हैं, इस में ३ किसम के जीवाणु हैं :
१. लैक्टिक एसिड जीवाणु
२. खमीर
३. प्रकाश संश्लेषण जीवाणु
प्रत्येक जीवाणु की भूमिका :१. लैक्टिक एसिड जीवाणु : > लैक्टिक एसिड जीवाणु उत्पाद में सबसे अधिक संख्या में मौजूद हैं।
वे अन्य २ समूहों को एसिड के उत्पादन से बचाते हैं जो हानिकारक जीवाणुओं को नियंत्रित करते हैं और जैविक पदार्थों के टूटने में वृद्धि करते हैं।
वे लिग्निन और सेल्युलोज को पचाने में कवक की मदद भी कर सकते हैं।
२ खमीर : खमीर – हार्मोन, एंजाइम, विटामिन और विरोधी माइक्रोबियल पदार्थों का उत्पादन करती है जो उनके पर्यावरण में हेरफेर करते हैं और प्रकाश संश्लेषक बैक्टीरिया की रक्षा करते हैं।
३. प्रकाश संश्लेषण जीवाणु :
प्रकाश संश्लेषण करते हैं। वे वास्तव में वातावरण से कार्बन और नाइट्रोजन खींच सकते हैं।ये जीवाणु उत्पाद का दिल हैं क्योंकि वे एमिनो एसिड, न्यूक्लिक एसिड, शर्करा और अन्य जैव-पदार्थों की आपूर्ति करते हैं जिनमें से कुछ दूसरों को खिलाते हैं। वे लिग्निंस को तोड़ते हैं और यहां तक कि विषाक्त पदार्थों को विघटित करते हैं और उन्हें पोषक तत्वों में परिवर्तित करते हैं।
सुजीव-ईएम उपयोग करने का लाभ :
१. पौधों के स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ा देता है।
२. ब्रिक्स वैल्यू बढ़ता है।
३. फलों और सब्जियों का भंडारण जीवन बढ़ता है।
४. पौधों के लिए अच्छा प्रोबायोटिक।
५. अंगूर में बोट्रिटिस और पाउडर फफूंदी से लड़ने में मदद करता है।
६. प्रदूषित पानी को पीने लायक बना देता हैं।
७. यह समाज में सेप्टिक टैंक और नाली साफ करता है जहां यह गंध, विषाक्त गैसों, रोगजनकों को कम करता है।
८. यह तालाब के स्थिर पानी में पैदा होने वाले मचारो पर नियंत्रण लाता हैं।सुजीव-ईएम का सबसे हड़ताली लाभ यह है कि इसे कम्पोस्टिंग के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है और अन्य इनोकुल्कम की तुलना में कम समय में एक महान खाद का उत्पादन किया जा सकता है।खुराक और अनुप्रयोग:१. कृषि :> फॉलीर स्प्रे: स्वच्छ पानी के १२५ लिटर में २५० मिलीलीटर।
फर्टिगेक्शन: 1 एकड़ के लिए ३०० लीटर पानी में ३ लिटर।
२.घर के बागीचे :२५० लीटर स्वच्छ पानी में ५०० मिलीलीटर का उपयोग करें।यह १००० स्क्वायर फ़ीट के लिए काफी हैं ।पत्तियां पूरी तरह से गीले होनी चाहिए।
३ कम्पोस्टिंग :स्वच्छ १०० लिटर पानी में १ लिटर का उपयोग करें और १ मीटर x १ मीटर x १ मीट के कचरे / गोबर के ढेर पर समान रूप से स्प्रे करें।
एक तिरपाल के साथ इसे कवर करें और सभी पक्षों से सील करें ताकि कोई हवा अंदर नहीं आ सके।३-४ सप्ताह तक खुला न करें, ढेर को पलटी भी न करें।खाद 3-4 सप्ताह में तैयार हो जाएगा।इसके इस्तेमाल से ज्यादा खाद मिलता हैं क्योंकि इससे कार्बन, नाइट्रोजन ह्वाग्रस्त नहीं हो जाते।
४. सेप्टिक टैंक :२०० मिलीलीटर को अपने शौचालय में हर महीने डालें।
५. स्थायी जल तालाब :खुराक तालाब के आकार के आधार पर भिन्न होता है। छोटे तालाबों को ५०० मिलीमीटर की आवश्यकता हो सकती है, जबकि बड़े तालाबों के लिए यह कई १०० लीटर लग सकता है।
६. कम्पोस्ट का काढ़ा :
१० लीटर कंपोस्ट के काढ़े के लिए शुरुआत में ही १ बड़ा चम्मच डालें । इससे यह सुनिश्चित होगा कि कोई एनारोबिक जेब नहीं है।
The magical way to Compost at Farm (No Turning, No Labour)
Most farmers in India shy away from Composting farm waste or post harvest residue because it has been taught to us that Aerobic Composting is the only way and it involves turning the heap every 1 week for the next 12 weeks – this is how its done. Well, let me break it you that its all WRONG !
Composting at Farm is not labor driven and can be done either in a pit if available or by making a heap in a corner. Yes it is that simple. There is no need to buy Cow Dung a year in advance and wait for it to naturally undergo decomposition for the next season. It can be accomplished in as little as 6-8 weeks. This is done using Sujeev BM :
SuJeev BM contains Lactobacilus Bacteria (same present in the human gut), Yeast and Phosynthetic Bacteria. While using SuJeev BM there is no periodic turning involved and the output of the final compost is also much higher (atleast 25%) compared to Conventional Aerobic Composting.
This is how Composting can be done effectively on any Farm – big or small : Composting Cow Dung in a pit : Divide cowdung in 4 parts. Dig a pit 1 x 1 x 1 mtr.Dilute 1ltr SuJeev BM in 20 Ltrs water & divide this in 4 parts. Put 500g jaggery at the bottom of the pit. Add cowdung layer
1. Add 1st part of 5Ltr SuJeev BM liquid. Add cowdung layer
2. Add 2nd part of 5ltrs SuJeev BM liquid. Add cowdung layer
3. Add 3rd part of 5ltrs SuJeev BM liquid.Add cowdung layer
4. Add 4th and final part of 5ltrs SuJeev BM liquid.
Once the pit is full, put dry grass on the top to close the pit and cover it will Tarpaulin.Do not open for 3 weeks. Compost will be ready for use after 3 weeks and the color would have changed from green to black. Composting Farm Waste / Post Harvest Residue on Ground : Mark an area 1 x 1 x 1 mtr. Dilute 1ltr SuJeev BM in 20 Ltrs water & divide this in 4 parts. Accumulate enough Carbon and Nitrogen materials. You will be making 4 layers of Carbon and 4 layers of Nitrogen into a heap. Carbon materials – dead leaves, dry straw, mulch, etc
Nitrogen material – green leaves, manure, etc Start by the bottom layer of Carbon materials followed by 1st part of 5Ltrs SuJeev BM Liquid. Add some soil and vermi-compost as a source of Clay in the heap. Add enough water to wet it completely though not dripping. Add the Nitrogen layer with materials followed by 2nd part of 5Ltrs SuJeev BM Liquid. Add enough water to wet it completely though not dripping.Repeat the above steps for the remaining 4 parts till the 8 layer heap is complete.Cover this heap with a large tarpaulin making sure it is sealed from all ends to prevent any oxygen getting into the pile.Make sure this is an air-tight system. Open the heap up after 8 weeks.Rich, Black and a very efficient Compost is ready – that fast.
> No Labour.
> No Turning.
> No Odor.
> No CO2 losses.
> No Methane losses.
Simply a very productive compost ready in no time…! With great freedom as Humans comes great responsibility – that of compositing every waste we produce.
So give SuJeev BM a try today, get it at : www.direct2farmer.com/
It’s time we Re-Farm : Soil-2-Sky
It’s a no brainer and an adage – we are what we eat! But, we never practice this and it has only remained with us in books as an ancient wisdom till now in India. While the world has been at it for over half a century, the Farmers in India still know just – Urea, DAP and MOP. This madness of running after bumper yields year after year on the basis of these N, P and K providing inorganic chemicals has only lead us to the wall. We are at a juncture where farm yields in India keep dropping y-o-y basis, input costs are increasing and more imported fruits are in the market than Indian for their taste and mostly for their appearance. And all this is at the cost of a deteriorating Human Health and a massive increase in diseases. Can Indian farmers not produce that tastier, that better looking, that nutrient dense and vitamin rich farm produce that can also have a positive effect on human health than negative.
Hippocrates, the Greek Physician said this more than 2000 years ago :
Let Thy Food be Thy Medicine From this we can only make out that good health requires good food. If good food is good health then good food can only come from good soils. Healthy soil produce healthy food.If soils are only going to be fed inorganic Fertilizers like Urea, DAP and MOP then the food grown is only going to give us Cancer, Diabetes and Hormonal diseases and this will continue in perpetuity. So the Question comes – how do we grow good, nutrient dense food that can benefit the human health, animal life, the environment and our beloved Mother Earth. It all starts from the Soil all the way Up, from “Soil – 2 – Sky” – cleaning up the mess created by us for 1000s of years. For this we need to begin – Re-farming…!
Re-farming is :
1. Re-farming is understanding nature and mimicking its ways in agriculture.
2. Re-farming is working with nature’s food cycle.
3. Understanding how soil affects health and Re-farm our soils.
4. Re-farming is understanding how soil life affects the environment.
5. Re-farming is building our soils, our health and our environment.
This has been done in countries across the world and its time we preach, teach and get this executed in Indian lands working with Indian Farmers for the benefit of 1.3 bn lives.
Understanding Nature & Mimicking its ways : The pace of nature is slow, it is patient – specially when it comes to change. Any disruptive changes in any of its systems and it collapses creating more damage than the benefit we were expecting. Nature’s way is Slow Food. Plants use the energy from the Sun + CO2 from the environment and produce sugars. These sugars are food for the micro-organisms in the soil. Every plant feeds these micro-organisms through sugars it produces via the roots and in return the micro-organisms provide food/nutrients necessary for the plant to survive back via the root channel. This doesn’t happen instantly, this process is slow.
The plants eat when they are hungry as the micro-organisms provide the food 24 x 7. There is a storage tank created for this food so plants are never without food or water or O2.Unlike conventional agriculture when fertiliser is pushed through the soils or leaves we are pushing this food into the plants. The plant will only absorb what it needs at that time and rest leaches away into our water polluting it.80% of inorganic fertiliser gets leached and with that millions of rupees go down the drain.Instead if we manage the life beneath our soils, grow more of the beneficial fungi and bacteria then these become the food storage tanks for our plants which helps them become resilient, fight off diseases and in the end produce the nutrient dense food that makes human lives disease-free.
Working with Nature’s Food Cycle : Nature’s food cycle is diversity. Diversity in crops, diversity in soil biology helps maintain and sustain the food cycle from the smallest fungi to us humans at the top of the Food Chain. How soil affects human health : When we push inorganic fertilizer into the soil, it ultimately reaches water and pollutes it. There it forms a dangerous chemical cocktail which leads to hormonal disturbances and major diseases in humans.
A small example is when Fluorides become excessive in water. It leads to Diabetes because, fluorides destroy the hormones required to metabolize sugars. How soil affects animal health : Milk is the most importance source for Calcium and Proteins. If our ruminants are fed with grass growing on polluted soils, only polluted milk is going to come out for us. We need to Refarm the Animal Husbandry sector if we want to better human health. The same goes for the Animal feed, particularly poultry.Animal health comes second only to soil health.
How soil affects the environment : Burning crop stubble or excessive ploughing causes disturbances in Nature. Burning leads to CO2 getting directly into our atmosphere. Ploughing breaks the soil structure disrupting lives and habitats of the micro-organisms. All this leads to a leaking Carbon bucket, a hole in the ozone layer and only adding diseases to into human lives.
Nature’s way is no-till, forests are no-till, Nature’s way is composting, thats how Carbon is stored and re-cycled in the most judicious way enriching human health.Composting at Farm is the only way, the Nature’s way. Composting farm waste is equally important as composting food waste. Our municipalities will not pick our dump forever. One day they will stop picking up our trash and will ask us to either stop using it, recycle or compost it.Its time, we, individually start composting at home – everything that can be – without an excuse.
This will lead to reduction in pollution – land fills end up in our water and that leads to cocktails and a cocktail of untreatable and at times non-detectable diseases in humans and animals. Building soils, health & environment : So if you go back to the Food Web and look at it closely, what you get is :Healthy Fungi make – Healthy Soils – which make – Healthy Food When food is healthy, life will be healthy – both of humans and animal alike.There are enough products available today if we want to :Build diverse Fungi colonies in our soils – add Sujeev Tricho X.
Build the beneficial bacteria in our soils – add Sujeev BM.Use Organic Inputs for our soils – Kelp, Humic, Minerals.Compost fresh manure for immediate use in farms – Sujeev BM.Compost using earthworms – VermibedsCompost our food waste – Bioculum & Sujeev BM. Compost our home waste – Bioculum & Sujeev BM. Make our own compost tea and use as a biofertilizer / bio control agent. There is enough knowledge out there on Google, Youtube, Instagram.
Many schools to learn all this, many trainings being imparted and many seminars being held. All you have to do is follow any one of them or give us a missed call on 022-39560561 to learn : How to make your own compost at home from kitchen and garden waste at 18 paise per Kg.
Make your own fungal / bacterial brews for farms and gardens at under Rs.20/Ltr.Organic Farming, Eco-Farming, Regenerative Agriculture, Permaculture, Nutrition Farming, Sustainable Farming are all ways to Re-Farm our soils, health and environment.
Nature leads the way, our way is only to follow…we need to Refarm & Reclaim our lands, our lives.After all being at the top of the Food Chain, it is our responsibility, isn’t it ?
Two things every farmer should farm test with the pH meter to get higher yields and better quality.
For farmers in India pH is only a number in the soil report.
There is more focus on pH of water over soil and the concept of pH of leaf sap or Petiole doesn’t still exist. This is one of the main reasons why Indian Agriculture is lagging behind over the world in terms of yield and more so in terms of produce quality.
It’s a change in mindset which is required, openness to newer technologies and adaption to change. Technologies which have been existing and used by US farmers since 1950s are still not seen to be used in Indian Agriculture.
Our farmers still live in the archaic world and do what the local agronomist with a local degree and limited knowledge tell farmers to do. Agronomists are company salesmen and they recommend products that adds jingles to their pocket.
A simple thing like testing soil pH is also given to a lab while it can be done by every farmer at an affordable cost. All you need is either a probe to get an approx idea or the regular pH meter or even a pH strip can make do.
Why the need to farm test pH of soil or leaf Sap?
Soil pH tells you the following :
1. Acidic pH : The bacterial workforce in the soil is under pressure that fix from Nitrogen and make Bio available fb the other important minerals. This will happen if pH is below 5.8Acidic pH will hamper Vegetative growth which can be corrected immediately if measured.
2. Alkaline pH : The fungi team in the soil is being attacked if pH is over 8.0 Alkaline pH will affect flowering, increase flower drop, fruit set and overall fruit quality.
Sap pH tells you the following :
1. Acidic pH : Below 6.4 there will be a noticeable deficiency in Cations – Ca, Mg, K and Na level. Since fungi love acidic pH, there will be an increase in fungal attack.
2. Alkaline pH : Over 6.4 means the anions – Nitrogen, Phosphorus & Sulphur are short. Over pH of 8.0 the chance of insect attack is very high or rather 100% certain.
Which is the right product to test Leaf Sap ? The only suitable product is from Horiba Japan shown below which has a smart compartment to take in just 2 drops of the sap and give you the perfect reading !
What is Measured can only be Managed. Once managed, it can be taken advantage off and every farmer can get higher yields and a great fruit with Balanced Soil Fertility.
So get juicing your leaves, after all it takes just 2 drops that make a huge difference!
Brix, Pest attack and Plant Health
Farmers across India are under utilising a device which as be used as a Fertility meter and give you greater and deeper insights into the health of your crops !
We mostly use Brix meter at harvest where as it should be used on almost daily basis – Twice a day at least if you really want to make the most of it.
A higher sap brix level is what every farmer should target once you seriously start your Nutrition Management Program.
After the sap is extracted and 2 drops put on the brix meter there are the following things a farmer can infer from it :
- A lower brix level means lower plant health has been comprised and it won’t give the expected yield, quality, taste and sweetness.
- If you are finding pest attack happening quite frequently or if your insecticides, herbicides, fungicides consumption has gone up – your brix level will be pretty low than what it should actually be.
- If the minerals and sugars are moving perfectly well inside the plants system it is an indication that your Xylem and Phloem are working efficiently. This will show a higher brix level of the leaf sap.
- A higher brix means your plants are ready to fight Climate Change – they can fight drought & frost better.
The reason why every farmer should be using the Refractometer at least twice a day – Morning & Afternoon is because morning reading should be lower than afternoon reading. The reason is sugars move into the roots at night and this gives a lower brix reading.
So what is A Good Brix Reading for your Crop ?