Top 10 Journalists in ‘Indian Agriculture’ to follow on Twitter
Nothing gets reported as fast as social media today, especially hard hitting news, articles and opinions on Twitter. So if you are not following…
Nothing gets reported as fast as social media today, especially hard hitting news, articles and opinions on Twitter. So if you are not following these Indian journos who write on Indian Agriculture, you are probably reading yesterday’s news.
Follow them today…
1. Rupashree Nanda @rupashreenanda 23.4k followers
2. Vishwa Mohan @vishwamtoi 4939 followers
3. Madhvi Sally @madhvisallyet 4157 followers
4. Abhimanyu Tyagi @tyagiinc 3083 followers
5. Sayantan Bera @sayantanbera 2427 followers
6. Mohd Mustaquim @mustaquimm 1650 followers
7. Sanjeeb Mukherjee @sanjeebm77 1212 followers
8. Hemanta Pradhan @hemantatoi 1183 followers
9. Dnyaneshwar Bijale @dbijale_sakal 956 followers
10. Sutanuka Ghosal @sutanukaget 283 followers
Feel free to add to this list in your comments….