Two things every farmer should farm test with the pH meter to get higher yields and better quality.
For farmers in India pH is only a number in the soil report.
There is more focus on pH of water over soil and the concept of pH of leaf sap or Petiole doesn’t still exist. This is one of the main reasons why Indian Agriculture is lagging behind over the world in terms of yield and more so in terms of produce quality.
It’s a change in mindset which is required, openness to newer technologies and adaption to change. Technologies which have been existing and used by US farmers since 1950s are still not seen to be used in Indian Agriculture.
Our farmers still live in the archaic world and do what the local agronomist with a local degree and limited knowledge tell farmers to do. Agronomists are company salesmen and they recommend products that adds jingles to their pocket.
A simple thing like testing soil pH is also given to a lab while it can be done by every farmer at an affordable cost. All you need is either a probe to get an approx idea or the regular pH meter or even a pH strip can make do.
Why the need to farm test pH of soil or leaf Sap?
Soil pH tells you the following :
1. Acidic pH : The bacterial workforce in the soil is under pressure that fix from Nitrogen and make Bio available fb the other important minerals. This will happen if pH is below 5.8Acidic pH will hamper Vegetative growth which can be corrected immediately if measured.
2. Alkaline pH : The fungi team in the soil is being attacked if pH is over 8.0 Alkaline pH will affect flowering, increase flower drop, fruit set and overall fruit quality.
Sap pH tells you the following :
1. Acidic pH : Below 6.4 there will be a noticeable deficiency in Cations – Ca, Mg, K and Na level. Since fungi love acidic pH, there will be an increase in fungal attack.
2. Alkaline pH : Over 6.4 means the anions – Nitrogen, Phosphorus & Sulphur are short. Over pH of 8.0 the chance of insect attack is very high or rather 100% certain.
Which is the right product to test Leaf Sap ? The only suitable product is from Horiba Japan shown below which has a smart compartment to take in just 2 drops of the sap and give you the perfect reading !
What is Measured can only be Managed. Once managed, it can be taken advantage off and every farmer can get higher yields and a great fruit with Balanced Soil Fertility.
So get juicing your leaves, after all it takes just 2 drops that make a huge difference!